How To Make Faucet Bitcoin or Altcoin

Download: FS_faucet_v2 script with AntibotInside integration
Demo #1 
Demo #2 

Requirements: PHP (5.6+ with standart extension: pdo, curl and etc), Apache with mod_rewrite, MySQL.
Licence: Free 

  • Original Antibot captcha: 
  • Integration with FaucetSystem AntibotInside
  • Detecting user country (you can set special coefficients or ban certain country): 
  • Captcha: reCAPTCHASolve media or both
  • Jackpot module
Installation guide:
  1. Download the faucet script and unzip downloaded archive.
  2. Create a MySQL database.
  3. Import a SQL dump (dump.sql in archive) file to mysql (you can use phpMyAdmin to import a SQL dump file into your MySQL database).
  4. Edit config.php (you can open and edit it using a plain text editor program like Notepad).
  5. Upload all files from the directory to your server's public directory.
  6. To grant the Apache web server write permissions for the "tmp" directory.
  7. Open your website and go to Admin Zone (defaul login: admin, default password: admin).

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